版主推荐=1English Corner
广同社区高级通行证 天朗
7/24/2003 1:52:00 PM (#3512)
点击统计:140168 责任编辑:白饭
10/19/2003 9:50:00 PM (#224120)
惠州的我还好 该角色已不存在
less and less guy write here
10/24/2003 10:27:00 AM (#236281)
shadow_lounge 该角色已不存在
ok  let me tell u why less and less guys come to here

cos this web is the most strange one what i have seem    cos the last message  not be showed at the first page but last page and u guys only talk about bord things at here      why dont u make here more interest?   if i have to appriase here   so here is totally  shit

well  this is the first time i am here    really upset me
10/24/2003 3:12:00 PM (#236943)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
ok  let me tell u why less and less guys come to here

cos this web is the most strange one what i have seem    cos the last message  not be showed at the first page but last page and u guys only talk about bord things at here      why dont u make here more interest?   if i have to appriase here   so here is totally  shit

well  this is the first time i am here    really upset me

There may be many reasons why fewer and fewer people are posting messages in English.  One natural reason may simply be that English is not a native language for us and people tend to write posts in the language which they command the best.

The posts are listed in chronological order, which could either be the latest ones first or the oldest ones first.  This website starts with the oldest posts first, which is not something unusual.  Many websites use the same chronological order.  Blaming the order of the messages for fewer posts is simply irrational.

Finally, if you think the topics here are boring, then why don't you post something interesting rather than whining and insulting other people?  

Please keep the "S" word to yourself and watch your language.   Constructive criticism is always welcome, but vulgar language is never appreciated!
10/24/2003 9:48:00 PM (#237841)
shadow_lounge 该角色已不存在
whatever  u better to face the turth first   never mind what kinds of reason   actually less and less people come to this part     the most importerm thing is not u can c the season  but u got reason then try to make here better     so u just think about it  then come to censure me

that's not ur business for  my own english level is good or not   it doesnt mean i dont have droit to say what i wana say if my english is poor and also i didnt try to smear anybody here at all   so if that  's' word is harsh    i say sorry to all guys

the last thing is about the order    i only can say not every thing people did so u can do the same     get the best way  then u can bring home the bacon
10/24/2003 10:14:00 PM (#237906)
沸水中的冰 该角色已不存在

somebody help me!
where can i start to talk with u guys?
i don't have time to read all of them, just feel faint.
maybe i should start from now on!
10/25/2003 1:22:00 AM (#238663)
lonelyness 该角色已不存在
woooooof, i find my favorite!!!
helloevery body!!!!!
10/25/2003 5:01:00 AM (#238921)
nayiak 该角色已不存在

No one wants to censor what you want to say here, except I simply suggest you to watch your language and not to use vulgar words (i.e. 粗口).  It has nothing to do whether your English is good or not.  We have posts here ranging from simple sentences to more complex ones, but we all share one common goal of exchanging ideas in English.

You have the right to voice your opinions of why there are fewer and fewer posts here; and I have my right to disagree.  This is not censorship; but rather, the freedom of speech you were asking for.  Now, please post something interesting if you want to help bring more people back…
10/25/2003 7:30:00 AM (#239040)
shadow_lounge 该角色已不存在
if i didnt make any mistake  i remember this is the 2nd times u advise me to watch my own language   so dear sir   can u just tell me what's problem of my language?

btw,u have right to disagree evrything in this world,cos u have taken lose ur senses!!
10/25/2003 8:46:00 AM (#239114)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
if i didnt make any mistake  i remember this is the 2nd times u advise me to watch my own language   so dear sir   can u just tell me what's problem of my language?

btw,u have right to disagree evrything in this world,cos u have taken lose ur senses!!

I thought I made my point clear that your vulgar language is the problem. (In case you still do not know what “vulgar language (粗口)” is, that is the word “sh_t” you used in your first post.)  It is offensive and disrespectful for all of those people who have posted here previously.  I simply asked you to watch your language and not to use vulgar language, and you can speak freely as you wish other than that.

As for your statement that I have “taken lose [sin]… senses” (I guess you meant I have lost my senses), I wish you would have not made personal attacks.  I respect other people’s opinions and I would only disagree with their opinions.  I always base my discussion purely on their opinions, whether I agree or not.  I would never make personal attacks like yours.  I believe this is also a fundamental rule for a civilized and objective discussion.
10/25/2003 1:35:00 PM (#239655)
冬眠状态通行证 boyjim

来自:(广东) 广州
be calm !!!
it is no big deal, lets change another topic. that would be better.
all right
10/27/2003 2:31:00 AM (#244302)
白金通行证 sky186

来自:(日本) 东京
GOOD 呵!~
10/28/2003 2:55:00 PM (#247765)
冬眠状态通行证 lonelyme

来自:(广东) 广州
Ja!Ich Liebe DICH!!!!
Uh...guyz you are doing crazy here,how about hold a party some day that you can talk in English with one another face to face?I prefer that way to share emotions,thoughts and any other things thru internet, coz it's not really safe.But anyways guyz I like you all and you have good feelings all the time!
Danke sie sear gut & Auf Wiedersehen!
10/28/2003 3:23:00 PM (#247804)
香师 该角色已不存在

  lol for some reason i find this place quite well formed, i know the person who actually created this room and i think this place is a pretty good place to practice your english without being embarrassed...
  If you find this place boring, well perhaps you just didn't see the potential benefit of chatting in here that's all, just like many others...
10/28/2003 11:50:00 PM (#249172)
伤感の音乐 该角色已不存在

  lol for some reason i find this place quite well formed, i know the person who actually created this room and i think this place is a pretty good place to practice your english without being embarrassed...
  If you find this place boring, well perhaps you just didn't see the potential benefit of chatting in here that's all, just like many others...

cool! i agree with u!
11/7/2003 8:18:00 AM (#272551)
惠州的我还好 该角色已不存在
I can't forget you .You run into my range of sight,as a beautiful flashlight with a charming beauty fastinate me .You said you don't like me,but your look just like a playboy.I can't distinguish your real mind.
I really love you for your scholarful talk and  magnetic voice.Please me!
  I am a piece of crytal but very easily to be smashed,I don't agree ,which you have said to me .I think this is your escuse to refuse me.
  Though it is fulled with kindness.I don't really accept it as a reason.
11/9/2003 3:43:00 PM (#278278)
古剑菊花和酒 该角色已不存在
文字文字oops! It seems there are many guyz here......really excited~~~~

Hey,everybody, I am a new comer to this ECCL. However, i am not a student any more now. It's a pity i cannot enjoy the campus happy time any longer. thus, what i can do is just making good friends with some of you who is on the campus. Sincerely wish that we can share something here!


do you take Germany as your second foreign language?? ........hehe...when i was in the university, i made the same choice!.....however, now i have already forgotten most of them except some simple words.....May i ask you where are you studying now ?....I am in Guangzhou city...and i am wondering if there is possibilty to find an institute and going further study on Germany.....

that's all for this time...thk u all!

11/11/2003 3:58:00 PM (#283581)
JMKOF 该角色已不存在
So funny
11/11/2003 10:42:00 PM (#284611)
阿明 该角色已不存在
I'm a new menber of this English corner.
My English is very poor.
But I like to comminicate with others in English.I think it will do some good to my English.
11/17/2003 11:39:00 PM (#298669)
mymouse 该角色已不存在
Anywhere, finally....who is the teacher?
11/18/2003 4:45:00 AM (#299077)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
There is no teacher here, just peer communication.  

Everyone is welcome to post messages here without concerns of their English skills.  After all, it is a process for improvements in English skills.  Always remember, practice makes perfect, so please just post whatever you want to discuss here...
11/18/2003 9:57:00 AM (#299221)
JMKOF 该角色已不存在
I'm a new menber of this English corner.
My English is very poor.
But I like to comminicate with others in English.I think it will do some good to my English.

Come and join our party. You are sure to find yourself refreshing
11/18/2003 10:06:00 PM (#300983)
tomming 该角色已不存在
Hello, guys. This article is searched by the program in VOA Special English from the Internet. It is talking about Gays in America. I really like it. So, I recommend to everyone see it. But this article is too long to publish at one time. So I separate it to two articles and publish two times. I hope you will enjoy it.
THIS IS AMERICA - Gays in America
By Jerily Watson

Broadcast: November 17, 2003

I'm Steve Ember.


And I’m Faith Lapidus. Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA, from VOA Special English. This week, we look at some of the legal and social gains made in recent years by homosexuals in the United States.



Earlier this month, a clergyman named Gene Robinson became a leader in the Episcopal Church. He is the new bishop in the small, northeastern state of New Hampshire. He is the first Episcopal bishop to say publicly that he is gay.

The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion. There are seventy-million Anglicans around the world. More than two million of them belong to the Episcopal Church in the United States.

Gene Robinson is fifty-six years old. He was married and has two adult daughters. He has lived with the same man for the past fourteen years. Bishop Robinson says other members and leaders of the clergy have been gay, but have not said so. He says he is being honest. He says he does not believe his sexuality will harm his leadership.


Bishop Gene Robinson, center
Bishop Robinson was elected in June as leader of Episcopalians in New Hampshire. Later, a national convention of church leaders confirmed the decision. The ceremony in which he became bishop took place at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. About four-thousand people attended.

Most of the people at the ceremony cheered Bishop Robinson. But some opponents also attended. A member of the Episcopal Church and two clergymen spoke in opposition. One speaker read a statement signed by thirty-eight Episcopal bishops. The statement said Bishop Robinson's relationship with another man violates the teachings of the church and the writings of the Christian Bible.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, expressed deep regret at the divisions in the Anglican Communion. As archbishop of the Church of England, he is the spiritual leader of Anglicans.

Anglican leaders in Africa have been especially critical of the choice of Gene Robinson as a bishop.


Some Episcopalians and other Anglicans say the dispute is just beginning. But the choice of a gay bishop is seen as another sign of wider acceptance of homosexuals in the United States.

In June, the same month Gene Robinson was elected bishop, the United States Supreme Court cancelled a law in Texas. That law made sexual relations between adults of the same sex a crime.

Supreme Court Judges
The Supreme Court was divided, six-to-three. But the majority found that the law violated freedoms under the Constitution. The ruling effectively rejected the last few laws of this kind in the United States. Supporters of gay rights called it a major victory.

Then, in July, the nation's largest private employer said it would increase protection of the civil rights of gay and lesbian employees.


Wal-Mart employs more than one-million people worldwide at stores that sell all kinds of goods at low prices. The company agreed to expand its equal employment rules. These rules already barred unfair treatment of racial and religious minorities and disabled people, among others.

Gay rights groups have been working to get more companies to extend similar protection. One group, based in Washington, D.C., is called the Human Rights Campaign. It says more than three-hundred of the five-hundred largest companies in the United States now have such poli
11/18/2003 10:09:00 PM (#300988)
tomming 该角色已不存在


Roman Catholic leaders in America have added their voice to the opposition to same-sex marriage. Last week the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a statement in the form of questions and answers. The document says the purposes of marriage are established by God. It says marriage is directly related to the common good of society. In September, the top committee of the bishops voted to support a marriage amendment to the Constitution.

About sixty million members of the Roman Catholic Church live in the United States. The country has a total population of almost three-hundred-million people.

Some religious groups in America offer support to gay men and lesbians. Others condemn homosexuality. Some groups want to make opposition to same-sex marriage an issue in the presidential election next year. Still other groups express no official position.



Current United States policy about gays in the military became law ten years ago. It was during the administration of President Bill Clinton.

The policy is called “don't ask, don't tell.” It says service members should not ask about the sexuality of other members. It says they should also not discuss their own sexuality.

Under this policy, however, the military can still dismiss gays. A private group, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, studies Defense Department records. It says the military dismissed just over nine-hundred people last year for homosexuality. That was the lowest number reported since nineteen-ninety-six.

In July of this year, a former Army officer began legal action to demand his retirement payments. He was dismissed in nineteen-ninety-seven, one week before he could have retired after twenty years in the Army. He also wants to have the "don't ask, don't tell policy" declared unfair.


In the area of education, gay and lesbian students now have a public high school especially for them. It opened in September in New York City. Many of the students accepted by the school were mistreated in other schools.

Supporters and a small number of protesters gathered outside for the opening of Harvey Milk High School. Harvey Milk was a gay county supervisor in San Francisco, California. He was shot to death in nineteen-seventy-eight.

The school has almost one-hundred students. Some educators praise the idea. They say the school provides a chance for the students to study in a safer environment. But others say the idea of such a school is like separating the races.


As time has passed, more people have publicly identified themselves as gay. Television programs and movies about gays are popular. One program is called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." Each week, five gay men help a heterosexual man look better and have a nicer home. Usually the goal is to improve his relationships with women.

Gay men and lesbians have gained influence in politics. Voters have elected them to local and state offices and Congress.

At the same time, activist groups have helped the fight against AIDS gain more money. During the nineteen-eighties, doctors in the United States first identified the deadly disease among gay men.


Some Americans believe homosexuality is wrong. But developments in recent years suggest that social acceptance of gays and lesbians in the United States has increased. One thing is sure: Discussion of these issues is out in the open in American life as never before.



Our program was written by Jerilyn Watson and produced by Caty Weaver. I’m Steve Ember.


And I’m Faith Lapidus. Join us again next week for another report about life in the United States on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA.

11/21/2003 10:10:00 PM (#308465)
流言蜚语 该角色已不存在
"statue infirmed"and "the pression of get marry" are the best obsticle for gays.
as to me,it's too...
"I shall follow you in the end of the earth"
11/24/2003 4:00:00 PM (#315349)
嘎嘎 该角色已不存在
11/24/2003 11:22:00 PM (#316256)
流言蜚语 该角色已不存在
hey,天朗,i think it's better you to be the topic organizor of this English coner.you can give a theme every week
11/24/2003 11:46:00 PM (#316312)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州
OK.The topic of this week is "What do You Think about the Comments on Politics in Our Commity?"

Today, 爱情抗体,who is the director of our commity,anounced that,"All the comments on politics must be deleted in three days." What's your opinion of this action ?
11/25/2003 10:31:00 AM (#316853)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
Hehehe… I want to be the first one to answer this question because I am very interested in political debates.

Politics is not inherently controversial and should not be avoided by default.  The greatest minds in our history, from Aristotle in ancient Greece to Lao-tuz in ancient China, all agree that an open and honest debate is the necessary avenue to obtain truth.  Aside from the truth, politics is usually too ambiguous to be absolutely right or wrong.  There are many shades of greyness in between black and white in politics.  This furthers its necessity to foster a tolerant and sincere environment for political debates in order to seek out more appropriate resolutions.  

That being said, it is a matter of whether this forum is an appropriate place for such political debates.  This could be an ideological question up for debate itself, but I think it ultimately comes down to the forum leaders to decide.  The reasoning behind this is very simple: the forum leaders are responsible for maintaining the forums and it is within their absolute authority to set forth the rules for the forum.  It is just as simple as you going into someone’s home and the owner of the home could set whatever rules he/she deems necessary.  You can always avoid going into that home if you do not feel like abiding those rules.  The same reasoning could be applied to this case as well.

I do no think this has to do with freedom of speech simply because this forum is NOT a “public” domain, but rather it is a property of individuals, i.e. the individuals who created it and are currently maintaining it.  I absolutely support freedom of speech, but it does not mean such freedom overrides the freedom to decide how to run their own website by the website’s owners (or their representatives, in this case, the forum leaders).  I do not think the line between these two types of freedoms is vague at all, and comprising freedom of speech is not an applicable argument in this case.  Freedom of speech and censorship arguments are usually more appropriate for public domains rather than private venues.  

Finally, the forum leaders could take a proactive measure to ensure that people do feel welcome to post messages they consider reasonable.  After all, a forum’s success is built upon the participation of its subscribers, and it is vital to keep the forum open and welcoming to old and new friends alike.  The forum leaders have the absolute authority to set forth rules of the forum, but they also need to keep in mind that every action has a reaction.  
11/25/2003 10:55:00 PM (#317967)
流言蜚语 该角色已不存在
the world we now inhabit is very different  from the one described in the book, we are all on new ground,and somehow we must make it commen ground.
11/25/2003 11:18:00 PM (#318033)
高级通行证 朗朗

来自:(广东) 广州
the world we now inhabit is very different  from the one described in the book, we are all on new ground,and somehow we must make it commen ground.

so,how does it relate to the topic I set up above ?
11/27/2003 11:09:00 PM (#322872)
流言蜚语 该角色已不存在
so,how does it relate to the topic I set up above ?

11/28/2003 1:10:00 AM (#323179)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州


no comment on your reply...hey ,boys ,try to be more serious ......
11/30/2003 2:41:00 PM (#327827)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
So, what's the new topic for this week?  Maybe something less controversial so that people would feel more comfortable discussing?  I personally like argumentative topics, (good for those people who are preparing for GRE or TOEFL), but I am willing to participate in any topics...
12/11/2003 11:45:00 AM (#353848)
为爱沉沦 该角色已不存在
Come on , everybody ! Say it in English whatever you like ~ I have too many lovely flowers for you !

So!could you give me the flowers now?
12/12/2003 11:18:00 PM (#358449)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
Teem Long ,r u a student of english major?
12/12/2003 11:28:00 PM (#358467)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
i am very glad that i can find an enlish corner here!wonderful!
12/12/2003 11:42:00 PM (#358526)
小宾 该角色已不存在
English Corner? I remember the last time i attended English corner was 3 years ago, hehe. Hey, I'm Ben.
Nice to meet all the friends in the forum! i'm eager to have you be my friends, whatever kind you are!
12/13/2003 1:39:00 PM (#359666)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
Well, I guess everyone is busy preparing for final exams... Alas, being in school is wondering.  Not only the climate has seasonal changes, but life itself has it as well... As for a working professional, life is quite boring all year long, dong the same stuff with the same pace--what a drag.   Anyhow, good luck everyone and let's chat more once exams are over...
12/19/2003 1:45:00 PM (#373983)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州
Teem Long ,r u a student of english major?

Well,I'm a university student in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(Guangwai).I'm not majored in English.
12/19/2003 3:15:00 PM (#374175)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
Teem Long ,r u a student of english major?

Well,I'm a university student in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(Guangwai).I'm not majored in English.

A very good friend of mine went there and obtained a bachelor degree in International Law (or something like that).  Unfortunately, she gave up once moved to the U.S. and she is currently doing accounting.   I have considered studying law at one point (and still thinking about it occasionally), but realizing that I probably will enjoy writing and debating in my free time more than devoting myself as a law practitioner.  After all, practicing law will need to deal with very dry particulars on a daily basis, while just debating and writing about legal issues would free myself from that.  Also, law is often strictly black or white, right or wrong, logical or illogical.  However, I tend to enjoy the plurality and relativity of the eastern philosophies better.  I do not always view matters in absolute terms.  The nuance of grayness makes this world more joyful than just black and white alone.  The absoluteness of law is a good vehicle for ruling a society, but it may not be a good way for life.

So, what is your major, 天朗?!
12/19/2003 3:23:00 PM (#374191)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州
Ha! Believe it or not, my major is Chinese Language and Culture.
12/19/2003 3:33:00 PM (#374201)
ros 该角色已不存在
Send me your flowers,
of your december
Send me your dreams,
of your candy wine
12/19/2003 6:18:00 PM (#374441)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
Interesting (and in disbelief...)

So, what's the difference between your major and regular Chinese Language and Literature majors in other universities?  Is yours tailored more for training people to become "Cultural Abassators" to help the Western world understand the Chinese culture better?  Just curious, please pardon me if it is getting a little bit irritating.  
12/27/2003 11:02:00 PM (#397597)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
Ha! Believe it or not, my major is Chinese Language and Culture.

wow!your english is so beautiful.although i am a sophomore now, i still find that my english is so poor,especially when i went here!
well. i think it is my chance to practice. i hope you all can help me! thank you all!
12/29/2003 2:20:00 PM (#402467)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州
My English is beautiful? hey,guy,don't make such a funny joke! Any way, thanx for ur compliment. My major is a new one established in 1999. It's different to the traditional Chinese Deparment. What we learn is how to communicate with others.
12/29/2003 6:55:00 PM (#403223)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
i am serious!
i think your major is wonderful!nowadays, if u can communicate with others in a fluent way, that is your advantage!  u know there r a lot of college graduates even don't know how to communicate with others!
so terrible! agree with me?

Reply from Teem Long :Yup! ha!
12/29/2003 8:17:00 PM (#403520)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
hi Teem Long ,  i wanna ask u a qustion!
can i say that your  school is a foreingn language school? if so,do u have a good invironment to speak foreign languages?
in my school , in my opinion we foreign language majors seldom have the opportunity to speak,except the speaking class!
so terrible!

Reply from Teem Long: yup. In my university , there are may foreign languague corners, such as English Corner,Japanese Corner,and so on. Besides English Corner, there are many foreign students with whom we talk English.  
12/30/2003 8:20:00 PM (#406767)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
Hahaha... Here's become Teem Long's fan corner now.  I propose that Teem Long should introduce himself a little bit more (maybe a biographic post?), as it's within his duty as a monitor for this English Corner.    Anyone seconds my motion?
12/30/2003 9:02:00 PM (#406899)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
12/30/2003 10:33:00 PM (#407169)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州
Hahaha... Here's become Teem Long's fan corner now.  I propose that Teem Long should introduce himself a little bit more (maybe a biographic post?), as it's within his duty as a monitor for this English Corner.    Anyone seconds my motion?

The reason why I add some replies below others' comment is saving the space of GZTZ community. ha ha... ... hey guy, don't focus on me,plz.You should say something you want to say in English in this corner.