版主推荐=1English Corner
广同社区高级通行证 天朗
7/24/2003 1:52:00 PM (#3512)
点击统计:140255 责任编辑:白饭
3/6/2004 4:27:00 PM (#662863)
冬眠状态通行证 一本草

来自:(广东) 深圳
If i was given a chance to have same-sex marriage, maybe i would  refused. Because i think , sometimes , i am living for the others, but not for myself. I have no choice. It is really really terrible to think about the future life.What would it be??
3/6/2004 5:34:00 PM (#663085)
蓝色天际 该角色已不存在
just do it!
3/13/2004 11:15:00 AM (#669999)
我的潘玮柏 该角色已不存在
If i was given a chance to have same-sex marriage, maybe i would  refused. Because i think , sometimes , i am living for the others, but not for myself. I have no choice. It is really really terrible to think about the future life.What would it be??

well,it depends on what kind of person u are,and ur family background.for me.i will bear it  in my mind that i should be responsible for my parents.so now i keep a normal heart here in this circle now.i used to be frustated and confused but now i am more open.maybe i will enjor myself now.but anyway i will ba back the main trend in china,tied with a nice girl that i love.
i surely can understand what u all feel here.and maybe u will think that i live for others not myself.but i lay it on destiny .just because i am from the countryside so i feel the heavy burden on shoulder.have u ever read <不能承受生命之轻>??well i just finished it.duty!!no one can go beyong it!just only with it on ur shoulder, do u come closer to the ground ,that is just heavy that make u feel the real life.yeah!i want to live a real life.but not something light like the air!!!!
well ,do more reading. and u will understand more!!
3/13/2004 11:40:00 PM (#672310)
冬眠状态通行证 一本草

来自:(广东) 深圳
May be. i will try it.
3/14/2004 7:03:00 PM (#675228)
我的潘玮柏 该角色已不存在
get a life!all here is made up!
3/15/2004 9:26:00 AM (#677735)
明samtiger 该角色已不存在
3/15/2004 9:36:00 AM (#677752)
明samtiger 该角色已不存在
i'm sorry for hurting your feelings. i promise myself that in the future. i'll never say dirty to you again. never ever again. pardon me!! kiss you !!! peter tao..

                                                             yours :SAM
3/17/2004 1:20:00 PM (#686868)
冬眠状态通行证 一本草

来自:(广东) 深圳
what do you mean by that? puzzled.
3/18/2004 6:04:00 PM (#691536)
男人也孤单 该角色已不存在
I  think   it  is  difficult   to   express  our   real   mind    in   english  . because    of   few   vocabulary
and   know  less    culture   backround.   I    am   poor  in   english.   I   want  to   talk   with   pepole  who   are   best  learners.   So  we  just  do   it  to  improve   our  english.   My    QQ;48996362
   I   am   waiting    for   you    guys!!!!!!
3/19/2004 12:29:00 AM (#693612)
bb 该角色已不存在
Here is an english corner!My god,i even don't know the forum has such a place. I just tour here by chance.hoho~~~~
But exactly i am not a tyro here,i have been here for one and a half years.
Well,i don't think we should live for anyone. marring a girl is not contradictory to living for ourselves.Someone may think that marriege is just a mask.they have to  get married because of the traditional social morality.But i don't think so.no one will put a gun on you head and force you to do so.The primary problem that constrains you is your mind--your conservative thought.
Discriminations are filled in this world. i know we will trek on a rough road, but there is nothing cannot be vanquished. just try your best to find a best life style and continue your rich and colorful life.

(what a mass i have said~~~~~sorry for my poor english,hehe. r there anyone preparing the GRE test, can you share some experience to me ?)
3/21/2004 11:57:00 AM (#703123)
冬眠状态通行证 一本草

来自:(广东) 深圳
Your poor english??? i do appreciate your writen english.All your vivid and true description is so effective. It just like a spring going through the bottom of  your heart. Saying is always saying. Not all have the courage to face the harsh reality which is beyong your control. hehe
3/21/2004 11:07:00 PM (#705070)
bb 该角色已不存在
    Thanks for overstating my poor english~~~hoho.I know english is a language that just used to comunicate with others. But i haven't  feel that i had learnt a language, but just a kind of examination since i begun to learn it. We lack of opportunities to practise our oral language.English is a language that use to speak after all.  By contrast , what we have done during the school years. Vocabularies play the God rule in our studies, especially who wants to pass the GRE test. I think it's an incorret way to learn a foreign language. The best way is talking with the foreigners as prossible as you can. I like to watch TVB Pearl to increase my listening capacity.
    what are your guys' approches to learn english?
3/24/2004 9:19:00 PM (#718628)
惠州的我还好 该角色已不存在
It is a long time since I  have been here last time.I am very surprised to read some excellent remand about homosexual marriage.some friend made a progress in english ,that improve english corn level in a certain.
4/4/2004 10:13:00 PM (#754305)
冬眠状态通行证 longyangjun

How cute this  corner is !how  useful  it  is !
4/7/2004 10:55:00 PM (#771848)
冬眠状态通行证 清茶

来自:(广东) 广州
haha!  sometimes i think it is better to share our thoughts this way!  because at least those who knows how to express themselves in english are those who are well educated, and with those people we may have more to talk about beside sex! hope many friends can come! say anything you want! just to have fun!

Fully agreed.  Take note of me. Hope to be your friend. hehe....
4/11/2004 3:10:00 PM (#791141)
nayiak 该角色已不存在

I do not necessarily agree with the argument that people using English here are more educated and tend to have discussions on subjects more elevated than those of non-English topics.  English is only a language, it does not necessarily reflect the user's intelligence.  I am sure there are many talented people who do not feel comfortable of discussing issues in English.  
4/11/2004 6:11:00 PM (#791823)
冬眠状态通行证 jeans

来自:(广东) 江门
4/12/2004 1:28:00 AM (#793678)
高级通行证 朗朗

来自:(广东) 广州
hope that no chinese here.
4/13/2004 8:40:00 AM (#798794)
nayiak 该角色已不存在

The first step is to be open about practicing and making mistakes.  Everyone will help you as long as you are willing to practice and more afraid to make mistakes... Good luck and come back often...
4/17/2004 8:44:00 PM (#823491)
冬眠状态通行证 crea

来自:(广东) 广州
I want a Japanese corner!
4/18/2004 1:01:00 PM (#826207)
冬眠状态通行证 zstpk

I am a new comer here and I really appreciate that there is an English column in GuangTung.  

It's so hard for me to trace the whole column so as to understand what was going on here.  Anyway, it is no more important what the original topic was.  At the begining, I was quite puzzled when I read about some terms such as Civil War, Civil Rights and Human Rights......etc.   I think what we really care here is just to use English as a media to communicate with people, no matter Chinese or Westerners.  I always believe that the more you use English, the more you will improve your English.  A debate of well-educated or high rank personality is not that important at all.  

Language is just a tool we use to communicate with others, and that's all.  It doesn't matter you use English, Chinese or Japanese ...... even body language!  

Love is love, it grows naturally.  Please do not twist it with labels.  That's what I finally want to say!  When you feel you need love, go for it.  When you feel you like to stay with guys, not girls, just go for it.  Do not label youself!  

Have a joyful life, guys!
4/24/2004 6:06:00 AM (#857010)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
Language is only a tool, but better usage of this tool could make it a very forecful and effective weapon.  We do not have set limits here for what kind of topics we could discuss (except for sensitive or adult topics).  Whether your English skills are high or low, everyone is welcome here to express their thoughts.
4/25/2004 11:27:00 AM (#862209)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
Language is only a tool, but better usage of this tool could make it a very forecful and effective weapon.  We do not have set limits here for what kind of topics we could discuss (except for sensitive or adult topics).  Whether your English skills are high or low, everyone is welcome here to express their thoughts.

yep!! I totally agree with your point!! But I think we should get rid of the "Chinese English",which I think iis a respect to this language--English  !!It`s my own opinion!!
What`s more ,I think the 斑竹can lay down a topic list or choose some debatable topics,so much so that we can express our thoughts and mind,or show our point views!!!
4/26/2004 12:52:00 AM (#865236)
richardloo 该角色已不存在
Hi Gooday to every body!
My name is Richard , I m from M'sia. I wander why nobody post any pic in the section!
any pictures appear here will make this column more interesting.
Do u agree with me?
4/28/2004 4:24:00 PM (#876001)
dawson 该角色已不存在
i really agree with u  only the pics make us more closer
4/28/2004 4:56:00 PM (#876100)
dawson 该角色已不存在
it is so troublesome here that it must turn to he last page to read the newest thing
4/29/2004 8:51:00 AM (#878802)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
Hi Gooday to every body!
My name is Richard , I m from M'sia. I wander why nobody post any pic in the section!
any pictures appear here will make this column more interesting.
Do u agree with me?

I don`t think it can make us much closer,for someone will upload some unrealistic or porn pictures.
4/29/2004 2:02:00 PM (#879897)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
There is a news for you who want to go aboard for a better education!!!!There going to be a Showing of Australia education in Garden Hotel on May 1st-2nd.It`s said that there will be many famous universities and colleges on show.If you want to go aboard to get a better education,it may be a good chance for you!!You will get lots of information about the advantage of universities in Australia,and get many handouts about them!!!
5/1/2004 2:01:00 AM (#885308)
高级通行证 天朗

来自:(广东) 广州
There is a news for you who want to go aboard for a better education!!!!There going to be a Showing of Australia education in Garden Hotel on May 1st-2nd.It`s said that there will be many famous universities and colleges on show.If you want to go aboard to get a better education,it may be a good chance for you!!You will get lots of information about the advantage of universities in Australia,and get many handouts about them!!!

thanks for your announce.but how about Britain?
5/1/2004 6:56:00 PM (#887093)
小飞~侠 该角色已不存在

Welcome to English Corner in GZTZ.ORG Community ! English is one of the most important languages in the world. Because of its wide use and significance , it's necessary for us to speak more English in our life , in order to handle it skillfully. Well, this English Corner was set for you all to communicate with each other in English. No Chinese and other languages here, just --- English.

It seems to be written by primary student.
sorry,forgive me,i am just telling the truth
5/1/2004 11:41:00 PM (#888106)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州

I am sorry to tell you that the showing of British universities was on show a month ago!!
5/2/2004 3:49:00 PM (#889863)
nayiak 该角色已不存在

It seems to be written by primary student.
sorry,forgive me,i am just telling the truth

Given the fact that there are participants with varied English skill levels, I think the introduction is written at an appropriate level.  Making it more complicated does not necessary better serve its function of explaining what this post is designed for.    
5/9/2004 3:01:00 PM (#920329)
子浩 该角色已不存在

it is ok, i think we can exercise our english here
it is not normal situation
so grammer, words and .... whatever
if there r something wrong , it is ok
as long as most of us can understand it

English is  a tool , a language
it is used for communication,

primary shcool students can speak chinese,
no one requires them speaking  or writing excellently

so,if we r primary shcool students ,we aslo have right
to speak,
don't require it too much
5/10/2004 9:44:00 AM (#923488)
高级通行证 淡淡云幕下的夜星

来自:(广东) 广州

me  too!
5/11/2004 8:31:00 PM (#931185)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
hey!faint!!shall we talk about something meaningful,get downto topic about daily life in our circle??
5/12/2004 6:17:00 PM (#936078)
正式通行证 MNM

来自:(新西兰) 奥克兰
shall we talk, shall we talk? English is not that hard to learn, just read more, speak more and listen more in english stuffs, english will be your language.
catch you guys later
5/12/2004 6:51:00 PM (#936215)
正式通行证 MNM

来自:(新西兰) 奥克兰
hi, my name is MNM. I lived in Sydney Australia for 3 years, and I am currently living in Auckland New Zealand, if you guys have any enquires regarding school, life or other stuffs about the above countries please dont hesitate to contact me, cheers.
5/13/2004 11:45:00 PM (#942981)
冬眠状态通行证 茫然

来自:(广东) 广州
My English is poor.Who can help me??
5/15/2004 10:32:00 AM (#949357)
ratmickey 该角色已不存在
My English is poor.Who can help me??

God helps those who help themselves.
Don't be afraid of making mistake.
I think one of the best way to learn English well is to listen to English songs. Have you ever heard of "Music Heaven" ? It's a magazine which recommend you some nice English songs every 2 months. I think it's good for the newbies to read this magazine at the very begining. Of course , you can surf the Internet to find more nice songs. Here is a website which is my favorite: http://crazyemusic.net.
Hope you enjoy yourself!
5/17/2004 10:31:00 AM (#955590)
冬眠状态通行证 清静无为

来自:(广东) 东莞
keep Communicating with the others is a good way of learning English,don't be shy!The very petson will just help you correct you mistake, but not laught at you!
5/20/2004 6:58:00 AM (#964234)
nayiak 该角色已不存在
hi, my name is MNM. I lived in Sydney Australia for 3 years, and I am currently living in Auckland New Zealand, if you guys have any enquires regarding school, life or other stuffs about the above countries please dont hesitate to contact me, cheers.

I think there is another guy living in Auckland too... Maybe you guys can meet up... Alas, I want to visit Auckland.  New Zealand always seems so mysterious to me...
5/21/2004 11:34:00 AM (#970610)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
So much "foreigners" here ,faint!!!!!!!!yeap,i wanna go New Zealand too,coz there are lots of recreations there ,also <The Lord Of The Ring>!!!!
hey,have anybody  here listened to the song <<because i am a girl> > sung by famous Korean Band "KISS". i was so moved to the MTV!!!
6/3/2004 6:12:00 PM (#1041605)
冬眠状态通行证 照世明灯

来自:(广东) 广州
My first time to be here, the English Corner. Seems that the webmaster of this forum has not come here often. What has happened? And not many people coming here. So there're not many replies. To be frank, it's not convinient to reply after such a long "next search".
6/7/2004 1:37:00 AM (#1058916)
阿祥 该角色已不存在
晕 怎么看不懂阿~
6/9/2004 9:40:00 AM (#1072508)
冬眠状态通行证 照世明灯

来自:(广东) 广州
you can make it if you both want to
6/11/2004 3:16:00 PM (#1087620)
Qoo~火星人!! 该角色已不存在
hi, my name is MNM. I lived in Sydney Australia for 3 years, and I am currently living in Auckland New Zealand, if you guys have any enquires regarding school, life or other stuffs about the above countries please dont hesitate to contact me, cheers.

I think there is another guy living in Auckland too... Maybe you guys can meet up... Alas, I want to visit Auckland.  New Zealand always seems so mysterious to me...

you must be talking about Dog Dog, he's currently in NZ i think, the last time i heard of him is like a zillion years ago, after he told me he got himself a hot damn BF   
I have to head off, ciao guys... oh btw, that dude who commenting about the poor level of english non-verbal communication skills of the guy who wrote the title, excuse me but i find the topic to be quite nice, don't you realise that sometimes, the more complicated you make your sentenses, the more it feels less friendly to people? beside, i like things to be less complicated and the title suits me fine, and i am sure it suits many people in here too as well. so... SHUUSH
6/19/2004 11:24:00 PM (#1132779)
冬眠状态通行证 lisiluo2003

来自:(广东) 广州
Hi guys!Who can tell me how to ern $ from internet?And where to find the websites what's credit aaa?Because eanning money for love.
6/20/2004 10:11:00 PM (#1137827)
boylove22 该角色已不存在
that will be wonderful,why not set up a Janpanese corner,which spices our community up with different views!
in my opinion,practice is the most paramount,remember we know the word based on we applying it to the daily comunication
6/20/2004 11:06:00 PM (#1138232)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
the person above,are you majoring in Japanese in sun-yet-set university??
6/21/2004 10:28:00 PM (#1146033)
boylove22 该角色已不存在
secret!!you are my school mate??