版主推荐=1English Corner
广同社区高级通行证 天朗
7/24/2003 1:52:00 PM (#3512)
点击统计:140165 责任编辑:白饭
10/6/2004 1:02:00 AM (#1864649)
大雁南方 该角色已不存在
10/10/2004 9:18:00 AM (#1892595)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
back to ZHUHAI,everything remain still,including myself
10/12/2004 11:26:00 PM (#1914473)
我在桥上看风景 该角色已不存在
there always be so may gay guys possess a gift of languague learning!
don't you think so?
10/12/2004 11:47:00 PM (#1914609)
boylove22 该角色已不存在
there always be so may gay guys possess a gift of languague learning!
don't you think so?

I alao have such feeling,however,it takes up a small percentages.

and also many people leanring language could not be courage to pronounce correctly and loudly ,softly(hehe)
10/16/2004 6:22:00 PM (#1936908)
nicco 该角色已不存在
10/17/2004 2:44:00 PM (#1941074)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
there always be so may gay guys possess a gift of languague learning!
don't you think so?

I alao have such feeling,however,it takes up a small percentages.

and also many people leanring language could not be courage to pronounce correctly and loudly ,softly(hehe)

10/18/2004 12:34:00 PM (#1945862)
冬眠状态通行证 金山客

来自:(美国) 旧金山
Like a certain governor, many gay men married to women are now
coming out, longing to live the life they've been missing
By John Caldwell
From The Advocate, October 12, 2004

On a second date in the early 1980s, Michael Sklar took his
girlfriend to see Bloolips, a popular British show featuring gay men
in drag, in Manhattan. Outside the theater his date told him that he
seemed remarkably open-minded for a straight man. "That was my
moment of opportunity," Sklar says. "I told her I wasn't exactly
straight. I said, `I think I'm bisexual.' "

His date wasn't surprised or upset. Instead she calmly pointed out
that most of her male friends from high school and college were gay.
The pair continued dating, and within a couple of years they were
married. Today, they live in New Jersey with their 15-year-old son.
Sklar, now 46, describes himself as "a gay man in a straight
marriage," but he has been thinking about leaving. "I'm approaching
50," he says. "How long do I wait before I start my real life? And
how fair is this to my wife? We're best friends, but there's no
intimacy in our relationship."

Some estimates put the number of gays and lesbians who have or have
had a straight spouse at around 2 million nationwide. Gay men like
Sklar who are 40 or older grew up at a time when they were expected
to get married. They wanted careers, children, and the societal
acceptance that came only with marriage to a woman.

However, with recent advances for gay rights, including the fall of
sodomy laws and the legalization of same-sex marriage, many married
gay men now see the possibility of a gay life that didn't exist
before, and they are coming out and leaving their wives. Though he
was seemingly forced out, the dramatic picture of New Jersey
governor Jim McGreevey publicly announcing that he is gay, with his
wife at his side, highlighted the phenomenon for the nation.

But there's a big price to be paid for coming out and ending a
marriage. "A lot of times there is anger from the spouse and the
children, and that has to be repaired over time," says Joni Lavick,
director of mental health services at the Los Angeles Gay and
Lesbian Center. "But at a certain point many of these men overcome
their own internalized homophobia and can't live a lie anymore. The
pressure of keeping a secret is so great that dealing with what is
going to happen is less toxic than staying in the closet."

When Sklar got married he didn't see a choice. "I grew up in a
Jewish home," he says. "It was kind of expected that you get married
and have children. Besides, I had been in relationships with men,
and they didn't seem to work as well as my relationship with this
woman. Also, in the early '80s there was still a freakish air about
gay people. I was not going to be part of that fringe element."

Sklar's wife, whose name he declined to give, boasted about getting
along better with gay men and was attracted to his "softer side."
Throughout their marriage she has been OK with Sklar's dating men as
long as he doesn't talk about it. "She says [my being gay] is just
not that crucial to her," Sklar says. "She's much more concerned
about the closeness and companionship [of our marriage]."

Sklar's story fits with his age, says David Leddick, author of The
Secret Lives of Married Men. He interviewed 40 gay men, age 29 to
88, and broke them into three age groups: 40 and younger; 40 to 50;
and 50 or older. People in the younger group were fluid in their
treatment of sexuality, he says, and their reasons for getting
married varied too greatly to define in simple terms. The middle age
group, like Sklar and McGreevey, typically
10/18/2004 12:42:00 PM (#1945916)
冬眠状态通行证 金山客

来自:(美国) 旧金山
Jim has since come out to everyone and belongs to the Boston Gay and
Bisexual Married Men's Support Group. The group, which meets twice a
month, has about 15 regular members, some of whom have either ended
a marriage or are on their way out of one. After 32 years of
marriage, three children, and a divorce, Eric Kurtz, 68, of
Arlington, Mass., met his current partner, Dick, at the group, which
he describes as a place to "work out your own destiny." Despite his
attraction to men, Kurtz got married because he wanted to have
children and because he fell in love with a "wonderful" woman, he

"I didn't want to get divorced," he says. "I wanted to have a loving
wife, and I wanted to have a loving [boy]friend, and I wanted to
have sex with both of them." But years of gay sex on the sly created
an overwhelming sense of isolation for Kurtz. Only after joining the
Boston group did he discover he wasn't alone. "Every city has men
like us," Kurtz says. "Some of them are men who have sex in the
parking lot. There are guys who are best friends who get together
and have sex and don't tell their wives. There are thousands of men
doing this, and they feel very lonely. Who do you talk to? You can't
talk to your wife. You can't talk to your married friends. And it's
very hard to talk to other gay men. It's a lonely place to be."

Once a gay husband comes out, however, that loneliness is often
transferred to the wife, says Amity Pierce Buxton, author of The
Other Side of the Closet, a book about the straight spouses of gay
men and lesbians. Not only are they devastated by the news, she
says, "the spouse usually feels rejected, because people kind of
minimize their issues. That's why that image of McGreevey's wife at
his side during the press conference was so striking. You couldn't
ignore that there's someone else involved."

Buxton has interviewed over 9,000 gay and straight spouses since the
mid '80s. When one partner in a marriage comes out as gay, she says,
about a third of the couples break up right away, a third break up
after about two years, and a third stay married indefinitely.
Buxton's husband came out to her in the early 1980s after 25 years
of marriage. As a Catholic he saw marriage as the only realistic
path in life, she says, even though he had had a boyfriend before
her. Toward the end he became withdrawn and depressed, and Buxton
began to suspect he was gay. "When he told me the whole story, we
both were laughing because it was just like a soap opera," she
says. "We separated, and he became healthy and happy again, but he
was no longer available to me as a husband."

At the time of their separation, Buxton's husband, like Sklar, also
fit the profile of the average 40- to 50-year-old married gay man.
Not only have men this age typically married for social reasons,
Buxton says, in many cases by the time they reach middle age their
children have grown up, their careers have been established, and a
longing for an openly gay life becomes strong.

After finishing her book, Buxton launched the Straight Spouse
Network in 1991, which provides support and information to the
spouses of gay men and lesbians. In the past few years, calls to the
network have doubled, she says, including an increasing number of
straight men whose wives have come out as lesbian. All this coming-
out could signal the beginning of the end of the married gay man,
Leddick says. As society becomes more accepting, the James
McGreeveys of the world may be disappearing. "It was harder and
harder to find people to be interviewed [for the book]," Leddick
says. And all but four of the men had come out and left their wives.

Bill Rizzo,
11/3/2004 3:28:00 AM (#2023469)
冬眠状态通行证 +gztianhebei

来自:(广东) 广州
It is quite pleasnt that there is such an English corner for people the chat in English. Practice makes perfect. If those who want to improve there English frequently come here to partake in the helpful activity, they can certainly gain quite a lot in bettering their skills for using the English language. Thanks, all the above net-pals.
11/3/2004 3:31:00 AM (#2023471)
冬眠状态通行证 +gztianhebei

来自:(广东) 广州
Dear guys,
    Please put up greater numbers of intersting stories for others to enjoy.
11/3/2004 5:39:00 PM (#2026018)
jett7912 该角色已不存在
why?we are chinese

Well, you must know that we chinese are not the only race in the world. Theres so many races out there and english is the international language that most people around the world use for communication.

We must not lose out to others, we cannot just stay in our world of only mandarin. What others can do, we chinese can do it better.
11/7/2004 3:33:00 PM (#2042947)
patpat 该角色已不存在
well, i do agree with u.

it is really foolish for anyone to say " we r Chinese, why should we use foreign languages ?!"

but actually I have met many people who say that.
11/8/2004 12:26:00 PM (#2046621)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
no topic interesting here~
11/9/2004 12:39:00 PM (#2051583)
broad 该角色已不存在
I like here
11/9/2004 12:41:00 PM (#2051595)
broad 该角色已不存在
I like english very much, who can help me, add me qq number 260358490,thanks.
11/28/2004 10:06:00 PM (#2143162)
萧邦写过的歌 该角色已不存在
what a good corner!
12/4/2004 11:16:00 AM (#2171578)
冬眠状态通行证 Dongguan_Boy

来自:(广东) 东莞
very good. I like english very mcuh. please keep in touch. I am from dongguan. my qq is 405729376.
12/6/2004 1:51:00 PM (#2183297)
冬眠状态通行证 Dongguan_Boy

来自:(广东) 东莞
Good idea, please keep in touch. my qq is 405729376.
12/7/2004 11:23:00 AM (#2188432)
冬眠状态通行证 Dongguan_Boy

来自:(广东) 东莞
Hello, everyone. all the best.
12/8/2004 4:43:00 PM (#2196077)
冬眠状态通行证 Vancouver

来自:(加拿大) 温哥华
awkward place. why not discuss some topic in english?
12/21/2004 4:38:00 PM (#2268253)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
happy winter ending day!!
1/1/2005 2:10:00 PM (#2372490)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
happy new year
1/21/2005 4:52:00 PM (#2518802)
nicco 该角色已不存在
1/23/2005 11:41:00 PM (#2530551)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
coz nobody has anything interesting to talk about
1/26/2005 7:19:00 PM (#2547362)
ratmickey 该角色已不存在
I love English, but I don't know why, it seems that my English improve so little since I enter university. Help me!
1/27/2005 2:06:00 PM (#2552607)
willhudson 该角色已不存在
Someone wanna talk someting like reading or movies?
1/27/2005 8:57:00 PM (#2555740)
willhudson 该角色已不存在
this forum is too out of date?
2/7/2005 12:42:00 AM (#2615566)
冬眠状态通行证 rraammssaayy_0

来自:(广东) 广州
2/12/2005 11:05:00 PM (#2653533)
就这样爱了 该角色已不存在
2/20/2005 12:02:00 AM (#2700748)
妖惑 该角色已不存在
Seem popular now --Chinese! !!!!!
2/22/2005 7:42:00 PM (#2719764)
sexboy2000 该角色已不存在
fall in love with ur bed?
simple one:love ur bed!
2/25/2005 5:04:00 AM (#2733946)
冬眠状态通行证 zeeb2001

来自:(广东) 广州
Here's a joke for you:

These four gents go out to play golf one day. One is detained in the clubhouse and the remaining three are discussing their children while walking to the first tee

"My son," says one, "has made quite a name for himself in the homebuilding industry. He began as a carpenter,but now owns his own design and construction firm. He's so successful that in his last year he was able to give a good friend a brand new home as a gift."

The second man not to be outdone, told how his daughter began her career as a car salesperson,but now owns a multi-line dealership. "She's so successful, in fact, in the last six months she gave a friend two brand new cars as a gift."

The third man's son has worked his way up through a stock brokerage firm and in the last few weeks has given a good friend a large stock portfolio as a gift.

As the fourth man arrives, they tell him that they have been discussing their children and ask him about his son.

"To tell the truth,I'm not very pleased with how my son has turned out," he replies. "For fifteen years, he's been in and out of work and I've just recently discovered he's a bisexual. But, on the bright side, he must be good at what he does because his last three lovers have given him a brand new house, two cars, and a big pile of stock certificates."

Man, I bet the son gotta be pretty sexy.  =)
3/15/2005 5:58:00 PM (#2832849)
冬眠状态通行证 smallguy

来自:(广东) 广州
Well , here is the first topic --- How do You Think about the New Face of Campus Love ?

Any way , call me Teem Long . hahh  ~~~

it is very regular, no any special!!
3/18/2005 12:09:00 PM (#2847807)
汕头铁男 该角色已不存在
oh,so nice place,I will spend more time here
4/1/2005 12:16:00 AM (#2915915)
今天的你换来明天的爱 该角色已不存在
4/5/2005 9:01:00 AM (#2937298)
冬眠状态通行证 lwfyzwc

来自:(广东) 东莞
Welcome to English Corner
4/9/2005 12:36:00 PM (#2960226)
冬眠状态通行证 在风中寻觅

来自:(广东) 广州
The story about four gents and their sons  is so interesting,
4/20/2005 12:16:00 AM (#3014134)
joshyew 该角色已不存在
I live in Malaysia , my English is very poor also . don't be give off , we will learn English together.
5/2/2005 6:17:00 AM (#3074731)
24还年轻吗? 该角色已不存在
well if you go to <china daily>BBS there's someone post a question "please tell me what's SM" LOL and so many funny reply ~~

5/11/2005 11:06:00 AM (#3117364)
微尘广州 该角色已不存在
not too much spirit inside! It should be arranged better in a curtain topic.
5/22/2005 11:10:00 PM (#3174989)
冬眠状态通行证 andy22

来自:(广东) 广州
there always be so may gay guys possess a gift of languague learning!
don't you think so?

There are always many gay guys that possess the gift of learning langguage.
5/22/2005 11:13:00 PM (#3175005)
冬眠状态通行证 andy22

来自:(广东) 广州
oh,so nice place,I will spend more time here

It's a nice place. I will spend more time here.
5/22/2005 11:23:00 PM (#3175050)
冬眠状态通行证 andy22

来自:(广东) 广州
Well , here is the first topic --- How do You Think about the New Face of Campus Love ?

Any way , call me Teem Long . hahh  ~~~

it is very regular, no any special!!

Well, here is the first topic ---- What do you think about the New Face of  Campus Love?

It is very common, nothing special!!!
5/22/2005 11:26:00 PM (#3175077)
冬眠状态通行证 andy22

来自:(广东) 广州
I live in Malaysia , my English is very poor also . don't be give off , we will learn English together.

don't give up 没有 don't give off
5/22/2005 11:27:00 PM (#3175086)
冬眠状态通行证 andy22

来自:(广东) 广州
very good. I like english very mcuh. please keep in touch. I am from dongguan. my qq is 405729376.

I come from dongguan
5/22/2005 11:28:00 PM (#3175093)
冬眠状态通行证 andy22

来自:(广东) 广州

I don't like it
5/24/2005 10:02:00 PM (#3184215)
漂流依旧 该角色已不存在
english, i hate it
5/31/2005 9:43:00 PM (#3220024)
冬眠状态通行证 帅主寻帅奴

oh my god
6/9/2005 9:39:00 PM (#3266614)
白领帅哥 该角色已不存在
happy MAY Festival
6/11/2005 9:24:00 AM (#3277499)
madken 该角色已不存在
English is just a tool to communicate! Let's speak in fucking Englishi together!