GT 根据Excite Voice Chat Program 5月1日新闻,Excite网站因其市场条件及资金原因,已经于5月1日停止了语音聊天的服务。因为广同所提供的语音聊天功能实际依托于Excite Voice Chat,受此影响,广同的语音聊天服务也已经停止。目前我们仍在寻找新的替代服务,请知情的网友与我们联系。
以下是Excite Voice Chat Program新闻原文:
Due to current market conditions and the inability to secure further financing, Excite's Voice Chat provider, Lipstream Networks, will discontinue services as of May 1, 2001.
Excite@Home regrets any inconvenience this may cause, and we wish to assure our loyal chat users that all other aspects of Excite Chat, including full-featured VP chat, javachat, and the Virtual Auditorium events will not be affected by this.