Jerrold NadlerGay Immigration bill introduced in US House
来自纽约的民主党议员Jerrold Nadler于2000年2月14日向国会递交了一个法案,要求允许同性恋者帮助其伴侣移民美国;他把目前强制分离跨国(bi-national)同性配偶的政策称为简直是"暴行"。这个法案叫做"2000年永久伴侣移民法案",通常用其编号"HR 3650"。如果能够通过这个法案,现在至少有1万人可以帮助其伴侣来美国。目前,有15个国会议员联署了这个法案,但是迫切需要更多的议员支持,因为现在的国会通过该法案需要大量的工作。
民众可以用不同的方式来参与和帮忙。首先,和自己现在在华盛顿的国会议员联系,要求他们/她们支持"HR 3650""永久伴侣移民法"。(比如,在NH,需要联系的人是Charlie Bass和John Sununu。他们两人都是共和党人,并且一直不是同性恋者事业的支持者。议员Bass让一个来自南NH的妇女度过了特别难过的一个时间,几个月前,她找过他讨论这个问题。所以,议员Bass需要收到许多"支持"这个事情的信件,让他懂得他代表了许许多多NH的同性恋者。)
2.格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan,美国联邦储备委员会主席)支持增加移民,因为他认为这是维持我国经济繁荣的关键。He favors increasing 'the H1B cap', that is increasing the number of work permits which allows foreigners to work here for a specific time. Because a great number of partners of gays are here on this type of permit, allowing them to come in under the Permanent Partners Immigration Act would free up additional H1B work permits.
3. Senator Orrin Hatch has introduced a bill to increase the H1B cap for the next several years. Again, the same argument applies--Allowing glbt partners to immigrate would free up needed H1B work permits.
for the main page of a search engine that provides lots of information. Once there, type 'HR 3650' into the "search by bill number" space at the top. Similar information is also available at http://www.lgirtf.org
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Copy this email and send it out to sympathetic parties. It would also be a
good idea to email the 15 current sponsors of the bill to let them know we
really appreciate all they are doing to end discrimination against gays and
The Bill is sponsored by Jerrold Nadler (NJ), and co-sponsored by Barney
Frank (MA), Tammy Baldwin (WS), Joseph Crowley (NY), William Delahunt (MA),
Tom Lantos (CA), Xavier Becerra (CA), Jim McDermott (WA), Maurice Hinchey
(NY), Michael Capuano (MA), Henry Waxman (CA), and Edolphus Towns (NY).