本站发表: 1999-10-21 00:00
最后编辑: 2007-02-4 01:18
原载: 美联社(99年10月17日)


  • 十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年踪迹十年心 有过激情,有过热情,也有过天真的承诺 有人找到了自己的伴侣,隐于市 有人和伴侣接受了开放关系 有人结婚去了有了自己的家庭 多数人分分合合 还在爱情的旅途中寻寻觅觅 十年,数着很长,过着很短 十年后,爱情是什么样的 我们想要的爱情又是什么样的
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  • 活动:与爱同行活动:与爱同行
  • 十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年踪迹十年心 有过激情,有过热情,也有过天真的承诺 有人找到了自己的伴侣,隐于市 有人和伴侣接受了开放关系 有人结婚去了有了自己的家庭 多数人分分合合 还在爱情的旅途中寻寻觅觅 十年,数着很长,过着很短 十年后,爱情是什么样的 我们想要的爱情又是什么样的
  • 谈起性和健康你会想到什么呢?谈起性和健康你会想到什么呢?我们现在的“SEX-HEALTH图片大赛”正火热举行中哦!


  • 《被阅读的艾滋病患者》《被阅读的艾滋病患者》8月初的一天,深圳连降暴雨,但南山区的一家咖啡馆内却是人头攒动。来自香港的张锦雄Ken仔(以下简称Ken仔)和他的小伙伴们,正在发表演讲。倘若不是Ken仔自曝,或许不会有人知道,这个精力充沛的演讲者是个艾滋病人,并在18年前因此而濒临死亡。


(作者或来源) 本文原文及译文由 CC 提供 kittyboyz@yahoo.com      当同性恋员工在为他们的伴侣争取权益时,今年夏天传来好消息,美国的主要航空公司都将为他们的同性恋员工的伴侣提供社会福利。就在两周前,美国三家主要航空公司计划将其员工福利政策延伸以包括同性恋家庭。作为美国最大的航空公司,联合航空(United Airline),首先做出福利扩展决定,随后在7月30日,美国航空(American Airlines)和美国空运(US Airways)也宣布类似计划。






Sunday October 17, 8:08 pm Eastern Time
Airlines Offering Same-Sex Benefits
Associated Press Writer

ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) -- As gay and lesbian workers fight for benefits for their partners, this summer brought good news for those working in the airline industry.

In less than two weeks, three major airlines announced they would extend employee benefits to homosexuals. Just like that, the airlines joined the entertainment and high-tech industries as the most visible business sectors to offer such benefits.

United Airlines, the nation's largest, was the first to make the decision, on July 30, followed closely by American Airlines and US Airways.

Despite the good will the airlines hope the policies will engender among their gay workers and customers, the rush to add benefits was triggered by a court decision.

In July, a federal judge in San Francisco ordered Chicago-based United to provide employee flight discounts, bereavement leave and medical leave to both same-sex couples and unmarried heterosexuals living together.

The judge's decision was designed to bring United into compliance with a San Francisco city ordinance.

Hours after an appeals court upheld that ruling, United announced it would offer all benefits,
including health insurance, to partners of employees and retirees nationwide beginning next May.

US Airways and American said their new policies apply so far only to gay couples. They're still studying extending them to live-in heterosexuals.

American, based in Fort Worth, Texas, expects to have the new benefits in place by spring 2000, spokesman Tim Kincaid said.

US Airways, based in Arlington, is discussing the scope of the benefits with labor leaders and hasn't yet set a date for their implementation, spokesman David Castleveter said.

``These policies make good business sense,'' said Kim Mills, spokeswoman for the Human Rights Campaign, which says about 2,800 companies and 74 Fortune 500s have implemented same-sex benefit policies.

``In a labor market where unemployment is running at about four percent, it's hard for companies to attract and keep good employees,'' she said.

The Human Rights Campaign is discussing the policies with other airlines, including Continental, Delta, Southwest and Northwest, officials from the Washington-based nonprofit group said.

The policies are expected to raise costs for the airlines, but it's difficult to say by how much.

``We don't know yet how it's going to fall out,'' said American's Kincaid, noting the airline has no idea how many employees are gay and how many will sign up. Because benefits to same-sex partners are taxable income, many employees may not sign up, he said.

Some companies have balked at such policies because of fears that health insurance premiums would jump if employees' partners with HIV or AIDS had to be covered, Kincaid said.

In fact, same-sex benefits may be inexpensive because they generally will not have to cover the costs of troubled pregnancies or children, he said.

``Most companies have found that it's a much lower impact
