本站发表: 2000-03-12 00:00
最后编辑: 2007-02-4 01:19


  • 十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年踪迹十年心 有过激情,有过热情,也有过天真的承诺 有人找到了自己的伴侣,隐于市 有人和伴侣接受了开放关系 有人结婚去了有了自己的家庭 多数人分分合合 还在爱情的旅途中寻寻觅觅 十年,数着很长,过着很短 十年后,爱情是什么样的 我们想要的爱情又是什么样的
  • 动动手指头几分钟就能领取红包!!!动动手指头几分钟就能领取红包!!!动动手指头几分钟就能领取红包啦!!! 宋体; 为了解男性人群对尖锐湿疣疫苗的相关态度和行为情况,我们拟对男性人群展开此项调查,以为开展后期的尖锐湿疣疫苗相关研究提供理论依据。 本次调查,我们需要了解您的一般情况及对尖锐湿疣疫苗相关态度和行为情况,全程采用匿名形式。调查不会对您的健康和隐私造成伤害,同时我们保证对调查中所有可能涉及到您个人隐私的问题,给予严格保密。 用手机扫描下面二维码就可以领取红包啦!!!
  • 活动:与爱同行活动:与爱同行
  • 十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年踪迹十年心 有过激情,有过热情,也有过天真的承诺 有人找到了自己的伴侣,隐于市 有人和伴侣接受了开放关系 有人结婚去了有了自己的家庭 多数人分分合合 还在爱情的旅途中寻寻觅觅 十年,数着很长,过着很短 十年后,爱情是什么样的 我们想要的爱情又是什么样的
  • 谈起性和健康你会想到什么呢?谈起性和健康你会想到什么呢?我们现在的“SEX-HEALTH图片大赛”正火热举行中哦!


  • 《被阅读的艾滋病患者》《被阅读的艾滋病患者》8月初的一天,深圳连降暴雨,但南山区的一家咖啡馆内却是人头攒动。来自香港的张锦雄Ken仔(以下简称Ken仔)和他的小伙伴们,正在发表演讲。倘若不是Ken仔自曝,或许不会有人知道,这个精力充沛的演讲者是个艾滋病人,并在18年前因此而濒临死亡。


(作者或来源) 紫凤凰 orangeheart@yahoo.comhi girls,
i know it's been long waited. finally here it is. the list is far from complete, but i've tried
my best. the following information will also be found in the upcoming homepage of
lavender pheonix. just be patient.
there are a few others under construction. i will keep you updated :)
enjoy the surfing!
ps. all sites are in chinese. you can get njstar communicator at http://www.njstar.com to
view chinese websites and input chinese as well.

popular personal webpages:

*Lala's life square | 拉拉生活广场:
the very first lesbian webpage in china. squirrel | 麻雀 is definitely the forerunner and
owes a seat in the herstory. has BBS and personal ad's :)

*ET's love for a thousand years | ET 千年之恋:
E and T got to know each other through Squirrel's webpage and they returned their
gratitude by a beautifully designed webpag. it's BBS   later bacame the most popular one
for lalas in mainland china.

The world of fairy tales | 童话世界: by a cute baby in the united states. a lot of fun stuff
with music, poems(i love them) and pictures of herself and her beloved one :) you can
also try her chatroom.

Mu Rong Ju | 慕容居:
moonlight | 月光's poetic literature webpage full of poems, proses, novels and an on-line
literature magazine.

Lala's club | 拉拉俱乐部:
Ling | 凌's effort following Squirell. Updated often and has a lot of interesting stuff novels,
hot discussions and beautiful pictures of women. some of which came from taiwan's sites.


Another Lala's club | 拉拉俱乐部:
by yuki in vienna, austria. it's said to have the most complete links to lala's websites in
china, but i had a difficult time accessing it. you might try your luck.

Sky | 天空:
the on-line versiong of the first chinese lesbian magazine by beijing sister's group
well, unfortuately you don't have the beautiful pictures on the original magazine, but as
least you get the stories!

popular chat rooms:
silversand: in zhanjiang. the earliest one and possibly the most popular one too. often in
seltmade chatrooms, dating category(自建聊天室的约会类), with letters such as L, La, Les
or similiar signs in the name.

popular BBS:
ET's:   http://www.cinews.net/bbs/et/index.html
