本站发表: 2000-04-25 00:00
最后编辑: 2007-02-4 01:28


  • 十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年踪迹十年心 有过激情,有过热情,也有过天真的承诺 有人找到了自己的伴侣,隐于市 有人和伴侣接受了开放关系 有人结婚去了有了自己的家庭 多数人分分合合 还在爱情的旅途中寻寻觅觅 十年,数着很长,过着很短 十年后,爱情是什么样的 我们想要的爱情又是什么样的
  • 动动手指头几分钟就能领取红包!!!动动手指头几分钟就能领取红包!!!动动手指头几分钟就能领取红包啦!!! 宋体; 为了解男性人群对尖锐湿疣疫苗的相关态度和行为情况,我们拟对男性人群展开此项调查,以为开展后期的尖锐湿疣疫苗相关研究提供理论依据。 本次调查,我们需要了解您的一般情况及对尖锐湿疣疫苗相关态度和行为情况,全程采用匿名形式。调查不会对您的健康和隐私造成伤害,同时我们保证对调查中所有可能涉及到您个人隐私的问题,给予严格保密。 用手机扫描下面二维码就可以领取红包啦!!!
  • 活动:与爱同行活动:与爱同行
  • 十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年来,同志在追求什么样的爱情十年踪迹十年心 有过激情,有过热情,也有过天真的承诺 有人找到了自己的伴侣,隐于市 有人和伴侣接受了开放关系 有人结婚去了有了自己的家庭 多数人分分合合 还在爱情的旅途中寻寻觅觅 十年,数着很长,过着很短 十年后,爱情是什么样的 我们想要的爱情又是什么样的
  • 谈起性和健康你会想到什么呢?谈起性和健康你会想到什么呢?我们现在的“SEX-HEALTH图片大赛”正火热举行中哦!


  • 《被阅读的艾滋病患者》《被阅读的艾滋病患者》8月初的一天,深圳连降暴雨,但南山区的一家咖啡馆内却是人头攒动。来自香港的张锦雄Ken仔(以下简称Ken仔)和他的小伙伴们,正在发表演讲。倘若不是Ken仔自曝,或许不会有人知道,这个精力充沛的演讲者是个艾滋病人,并在18年前因此而濒临死亡。


(作者或来源) UNAIDS根据4月14日美联社报道,联合国呼吁专家们不要抵制南非世界艾滋病大会,不要因为南非总统姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)引起争议的言论而放弃大会.本次会议将于7月在南非DURBAN举行.联合国认为抵制的影响是负面的.

Associated Press   14 April 00
U.N. calls on AIDS specialists not to boycott S. Africa conference

GENEVA: The United Nations program on HIV and AIDS on Thursday called on scientists not to boycott a major conference because of controversy over South African President Thabo Mbeki's reported views on AIDS.

UNAIDS was reacting to British and South African press reports that said
some scientists might refuse to go to the AIDS 2000 conference, due to take place in Durban in July.

In a statement, the agency noted that it is the first international AIDS
conference to take place in Africa, ``where its impact is being felt the
most by individuals, communities and countries.''

``A boycott of the AIDS 2000 Conference would be counterproductive and would only serve to deviate attention from the seriousness of the issue at hand,'' UNAIDS said.

Scientists have been alarmed by Mbeki's contact with California researcher David Rasnick, who claims that HIV is a harmless retrovirus and what is diagnosed as AIDS in Africa is really old ailments such as persistent coughs, diarrhea, parasitic diseases and tuberculosis.

``President Mbeki asked me for my personal support in his efforts to explore
all things related to AIDS. And he wanted to know if (anti-AIDS) drugs do
more harm than good," said Rasnick recently.

Mbeki's office has also accused Western drug companies of enriching
themselves from the AIDS epidemic, but insists that the president has never doubted that HIV causes AIDS.

In a separate statement, the president of the International Aids Vaccine
Initiative, Seth Berkley, also called for scientists not to stay away from
the Durban meeting.

``Such calls are irresponsible and wrong. Indeed, the conference provides an unparalleled opportunity to share information and shed light on the critical questions that confront us,'' said Berkley.
